Poor baby
Drive safe everyone, especially the one's traveling to Noida
Happy Makarsankranti 🪁 Guddu is giving Ashirwad today 🖐🏻🐶
What has to be done?
This place speaks volumes
I Guess I Earned Some Real Karma
Zomato got no chill💀
What should I name this cutu
Hey folks, what is this called in your state(Badana in the north)?
What should I name this badmosh
iPhone 15
Just an appreciation Post from a Fellow Indian
Put one song in the comments to add to the playlist.
Accidental F ho gaya
The day I took these photos was the last time I saw these lights working
How do I get a relationship with god
Suggest a name for him
just came back home after a few days and saw this in my brothers room
Throwback to the best trek of the season
Thoughts about this recent statement?
Bracing myself for a devastating end for these two
Insta Page Stealing r/Delhi Memes
hypocrisy is fighting for its life seeing this.
My Cab Driver was SORRY
My Cab driver was Sorry