Is this accurate?
What physical feature do both men and women share that we consider “attractive”?
What’s one addiction you think most people are dealing with but don’t talk about?
How often do you get a hug and how does it make you feel?
What tastes better when it’s slightly burnt??
What do you consider true wealth, if not money?
Just me?
i mean.. okay i won't deny it
F18 free of, rate my body?
What is your favorite strange snack?
What is the most difficult part of a breakup?
If you only have one chance live in any time period, which one would it be?
What is something you hated as a child,but love now?
What is a boring dream you had?
what is the last random thing that made you smile?
What are some tangible things you like to collect?
What is a sensation that you can't stand, even though it's not painful ?
What automatically makes you lose respect for another person?