Found this subreddit. Thought y’all would appreciate my jacket!
r/vinyl Holiday Giveaway! Comment to enter. Round 4.
Got the chips on the side
November Confirmed Trade Thread
r/vinyl Holiday Giveaway. Comment to enter. Round 2
[US-NH] [H] Bakeneko60, Molly60, Monokei Kei V2 60%, CSTC40, switches, keycaps [W] PayPal, Local Cash, Trades for 40%s
[US-VA] [H] Mode 80 Eighty White, Keychron Q1 w/ lubed switches, GMK Dots (light and dark), GMK Awaken, ePBT Origami, MT3 /dev/tty, Monstargear Ninja87 Arc XD light White, coiled cable white, SA Polyclear (F-row and numpad only) [W] PayPal
Found this with 100yr old Grandpas things. 6” long metal, tapered
If you remember these guys, I’m sorry
Original window sticker for my 93.
Hi all! Could I have a little help identifying please?
Taillight crack fix?
Update! Ive made an offer on a 21 XLT Tremor!
I know the haters will come out but the Bose 201’s are a pleasant sounding speaker
Just picked up this Aragon 4004 (Mark I) power amplifier from the 80’s to run with Infinity Kappa 9’s. Any budget+HiFi pre-amp recommendations?
Found at a thrift shop today, any ideas what it is?
Where can I get a delicious chicken salad sandwich?
Well that’s a new one…
Insane opinion
Best Radiohead album period
Dude is smoking crack!
Looking for spatula recommendations
Forgive me brothers and sisters for I have sinned.
Drop Giveaway Day 9 - 2x Drop CSTM80 Keyboard + DCD Bird Jungle Keycap Set + Orange Decorative Case
Invokeys - Week of Giveaways Part 3 (Finale) - 90x Daydreamer, 90x Nightshade Switches (2 Winners)
[For Sale] The Books, Quasimoto, Mount Eerie, Merzbow, Beck, Sleater Kinney, and more!