what should be done about the 2028 olympics?
what would happen to the economy of the United States as a whole if California wasnt part of the United States?
Movies that are unintentionally funny/ridiculous
if you have ever been in a coma can you please describe what it is like?
what are your thoughts on republican governors ordering flags raised for inauguration day?
Why does Toast taste different when cut diagonally?
Is there a more bonkers premise for a sitcom that an WWII prisoner of war camp?
if Nixon won in 1960 do you think anything similar to watergate would have happened?
Always taking the high ground is killing the democratic party. Anyone else agree
no more of this. Always taking the moral high ground is killing the democratic party. They go low its okay to step on them
that snickers commercial remake of the 1996 "who are the chefs" isnt funny
how has Americas relationship with Israel benefited America?
Which general or 2nd in command villain could have been a main antagonist for an entire season?
do any of you have people in your life that know you have social anxiety and try to help you with your social anxiety but dont realize that the things they do make your anxiety issues worse
if you could make a spinoff like those operation overdrive episodes once a ranger. what 6 random rangers would you cast
where is that quarry located that was used in the super sentai shows?
whats a saying you have heard a few times that doesnt make sense?
What’s an obscure movie that you really love?
What is the title of the current chapter of your life?
So are the lions/vikings are the teams we’re rooting for 12s?
if you say to your kid "dont step on a crack or you will break your mothers back" and the first thing your kid does is step on a crack, how do you react?
What’s a cancelled tv show you miss and wish was still around?
how much weight can i lose just by cutting out candy
Is it just me, or does this off-season feel like the worst ever?
Can a former president hold any type of office after their term is over?