District requires us to use AI in the classroom…I don’t wanna.
What is a lesson that you love but the kids never appreciate?
Is it worth it being a teacher if you’re ugly?
Am I using my 504 accommodations too often?
What happens if a Teacher BANS you from going to the bathroom for the rest of the year in middle school.
Help me explain
Go from private to public worth it with new Trump administration?
Parent threatening to sue the school because her son can’t play basketball due to grades
I have an interview next week. Should I try to cover my tattoos?
CRT madness
Teachers who voted for Trump - why?
What is your “fuck it I’m out” moment
Many of my high school Freshmen and Sophomore boys are happy Trump won, so they won't be drafted to World War III
What will happen to educators now that Trump has won the election?
I’m a first year- my mentor said we don’t hold students back anymore
What books good to read for future students?
Reassigned & already dreading it.
What should I do for summer work?
Students asking about physical scars
Absolutely lost it at a student today.
How do I prepare to be a teacher while still in college?
Things that should be taught in Teacher ed programs....
What happend to the funny kid in your class?
I have an interview as a HS Art teacher tomorrow. Advice, tips, questions to think over?