Squid Alien (high definition)
Talk about movies that took themselves way too seriously back in the day, “The Quick and the Dead” easily leads the 1990s western delegation
Thoughts on true grit?
My best old man just finished his last walk.
They have known for a while
Did Spider-Man 2 live up to the hype for you? If yes or no, why?
What’s Your Favorite Memory at Toys R Us?
Best Performance from an Actor who was only in one scene of a Movie?
Live image of me
Nose bridge crack
Fell down the stairs yesterday, chipped 2 bones and damaged a ligament. Doctor refused pain meds and the orthopedic surgeon doesn’t open until tomorrow. An indescribable amount of pain.
What can replace coffee in the morning?
Why does he wear eyeliner?
A US airman and his girlfriend in Saigon. 1971.
Saw this post on FB…
Raquel Welch
What Apple TV show should I watch? Here’s a list of shows I enjoy
Is this a scam??
Cutest thing I've seen today!! 😍
Two of my favorite Buck knives. They never leave the house unfortunately. The one on the right is signed by someone from the Buck family in 2019. Does a signature on a knife alter its value either way?
Never dropping the toy.
Charle inspecting the snow
We just celebrated what was (probably) my cats last Christmas, so I went all out with the photos.
This is a Spyderco Military Titanium which I’ve carried since 2018. It’s been discontinued. Does that make it expensive if you can find one because I haven’t been able to find another.
Grandma in the 60’s/70’s