Anyone else who doesn’t really enjoy the new StarCraft meta?
Like wtf are you supposed to do against libram paladin in wild???
Describe your main in the worst way possible
A man before and after a liver transplant
I’ve gotten my core set wish two years in a row. This year, my wish is for ETC, Band Manager to stay in standard by adding to him to core instead of letting him rotate.
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Hostage Mage vs Armor Priest goes to max turn limit, ends in a draw LMFAO
on my journey from d5 to legend I figured out librams are alright
Does hostage mage just autolose to shudderwock?
That repeat all dranei death rattles card that never dies. How the hell do you win
Hostage Mage LOVES Shield Battery! (At least i do! lol)
Any decent deck to use this bad boy?
Hostage Mage support in the mini set
[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 of 5 Heroes of StarCraft mini-set codes!
Let's talk about Chaos Allure Queen
Konami asked you, yes you, to make a new legacy support pack. What archetypes do you add/support in it and what will it be named?
He wants to take your daughter out for dinner. Your actions?
Nen Bank
How would this CT work as a Hatsu?
What’s the best response to “I love you”?
my honest answer
New Rogue Card Revealed - Dark Templar
This is why people don’t like you, Zuck