Since a new plat equip is coming who else thinks the 7 stars is absolute bullshit
Do it (Image via @zondel_ on twitter)
What dinosaur is this?
If congress were to ban foreign apps from the country including Dragon Ball Legends, what would you do?
New day, new daily missions.. Ohh! 10th day streak, thanks game.
Sing his praises , Phn’glui mglw’nafh Cthulu R’lyeh wagh’nagl fhtagn
Help me remove this notification
Can you guess the DBL Unit just from the figure poses? (easiest to hardest)
They really said “my bad fam”. Is this acceptable to you?
Advice on getting to god rank?
After getting another black eye, I finally got the courage to tell my father that I was leaving my physically abusive marriage.
My team for Mr. Satan RED challenge - 120kk damage
Still no news? Are they going to sweep this under the rug? Dokkan wouldn't...
Whats taking up the most space in your Pokemon box?
Who should I use to do this? I have most of the units.
Oh no
Code is definitely 6 digits
Mmm #64… so long as it’s fresh
What would you remove from Dragon Ball legends?
uhm chris, im in bed…
Any explanation on why I can't marry the best girl even when she cures her Vampirism?
CodeMiko Needs Her Squat Music
Do YOU think “succession” Is a cool new mechanic or do you think it’s a glorified revive?
What should their nickname be