Hot take: she has to be the one of the most overrated and annoying characters in the show. Started fine but overstayed her welcome. So fucking stupid.
Skyland not working
Which one is the worst to cross?
Class customization
I hate Ramsay so much
Best medieval weapon for home defense?
War Axe or Battle Axe?
In game, I see quite a few new players asking about good weapons, so I'm posting a list of good beginner weapons here:
Gf won’t leave apartment with me because of my fit
Mod request/help
Share any of your techs so both noobs and vets may learn
Renly was the better choice. Sorry Stannis.
When I was 10, I made Master Chief's Helmet Out of Cardboard and Paper Mache. It was the first Cosplay I ever made 16 years ago.
I love how silly this game can be
Slash spammers
(JK’s Interiors aio) Jorrvaskr water(?) bug
Me Than my brothers tier list of the maps. Which do you agree with more, or wanna make some changes
Did they buff bots?
Has anyone ever opened the porticullus?
What was your first thought and reaction to the introduction of Tywin Lannister in the show?
What's an unpopular opinion you have about this game?
Thanks to all the engineers
Good mods for £#@&ty characters