Can anyone please explain why my move was a mistake
But not for me...
Isn't this move just losing a bishop and rook for a knight?
Maximum damage possible in shpd
If he takes with the pawn, what the best move?
Find the nasty move I missed in this position
Why is this move brilliant?
As the graphic says...
Missed this move about 8 times in a row and stockfish is very unhappy about it. Can you find it?
Someone challenged me using my opening today. Let's just say it didn't end well
I give up trying to understand game review.
Hoy do i name this opening
So am I doomed? It's been over an hour
Is this a good checkmate?
I am not sure where is a good square to run my bishop
What is the logic behind brilliant moves
How many possible chess moves are there in the first move?
Played this fun move in a blitz game, this a good move?
They resigned because they thought their Queen was trapped.
In this position, my opponent resigned. Little did he know he was completely winning. Find the only good move black have !
Why would anybody play an opening this… dumb?
I just got the best possible compliment from my opponent post-game. I feel so happy.
Does this happen often?
Chess in password game
You have Black pieces, what would you play in this position?