Companies that advertise $100 to $150 full year catch-up, etc
When a Client Thinks Zillow Costs $5k to Build…
Question regarding accruals
What did you learn as a first time landlord that didn't even cross your mind when you got into the rental business?
Tenant skipping out on last months rent. Your suggestions?
Do you hire yourself for technical work, or do it for free?
While you don't have two beards, you do have two kidneys. Think of it this way, if I had two dollars, I'd give you one, wouldn't I?
Movies you thought you would enjoy but couldn’t even finish?
Good to know 1/2 of the Video Archives podcast likes Nazis.
What do You guys think of the Age of Innocence?
You’ve got one episode to pick as your #1 .. which one is it?
Angela being image and marvel?
What makes Absolute Batman so popular? A question from someone that hasn't read a comic in 20 years.
Removed my email from Google Workspace and lost associated YouTube videos
I had to mute someone during a meeting
Not receiving all receipts from small business.
Rudy Giuliani leaving court after being found in contempt.
Jim Lee H2SH BATMAN Suit
What kind of scam is this????
Men, what is the ideal body type you would want to achieve for yourself?
100 years ago - how?
Clients wanting to do illegal things
Do any of the big auto companies provide consolidated monthly statements for financed vehicles?
Why did Lonny Ross leave 30 Rock?