Is AASHTO More Complicated Than It Needs to Be?
Dress style recs for CrossFit body type
Headed to Ogden for a wedding…want to make it a vacation…any suggestions?
Nutcracker Quilt
Long run music recommendations
Runners who train at altitude, do you notice a difference racing closer to sea level?
Sewing Machine Recommendations?
Subtle Golf Baby Quilt Thoughts
Figured it out
My border collie every time I sit down for two seconds:
Delicate Arch in Throw and Baby Sizes
Need help replacing the ~final~ two pieces in this room!
what kind of calculators are you guys using?
Little corn on the cob puff quilt!
What will happen to gay marriage in Utah if Obergefell V Hodges is overturned? Is there any attempt to do so currently?
Is there any risk with a mixed grip for the deadlift ?
Audiobooks listeners! What's your fave 'character voice' by Davina?!
What's your jump rope length
Help making the WORST names, please.
Does any body know what pattern this is?
How’s NBCC 2020 going for you all?
Powder Mountain Changes - Only Season Pass Holder Weekends in Feb
How much does prestige of school matter?
100 Burpees for Time
What do you all do for work?