Did anybody else think Milton was too merciful with the gang ?
Long beard arthur or short beard arthur??
Who’s death hurt you the most/was the most surprising
I’m almost at a breaking point
It finally hit me that the reason why my Dad and brother always fail to get good strawberries is because they can’t tell the difference in color.
Do good people still exist?
Cynthia Erivo performed the best version of Deifying Gravity.
What song(s) or playlist do you have on constant repeat right now?
What song is this?
What is your all-time favorite video game?
What is your current phone wallpaper?
hows everyones dating life?
Do you feel more like a 'teenager' or an 'adult'
Can you drive /do you have a license?
I don’t know what Im doing
Do you ever wish you were born in another time?
How's your Mental Health?
Strawberries with cheese >>>>
I dreamt I was taking care of a baby that wasn’t mine.
WIBTA if I changed my mind about an offer I made?
WIBTA if I blocked this guy because he makes me feel uncomfortable?
Do guys remember the first girl they ever touched sexually?
Trying to keep someone from falling in love
What are you a whore for?
WIBTA if I removed an ex roommates stuff out of my house?