For those of you who took PHYS 202 with Lyuksyutov and got an A, what resources did you use?
Conservative applying to medical school
On my way to evict some deer from the jungle. How do I look kings?
Which of these regions has historically been the most important for an electoral college win?
Y'all had some issues with a map I made yesterday of the regions of the continental USA. I made some improvements based on your suggestions. Let me know what you think!
What do you guys think of the regions I divided the US into? Anything I should include or exclude or any mistakes I might have made?
Which classes should I take in college to prep for the MCAT?
Missed this sub. Been two years since the last edition of my family compass, enjoy.
Helps explain the Branch Covidians of the last few years
What do think of rising of conservative in Europe and dealing with Muslim/Islam refugees there?
Which Presidential candidate had the most Presidential name who never made it to be President?
What do y'all think about the "Charisma Key" Alan Lichtman gave to certain presidents and presidential candidates?
What did y’all major in during undergrad and what residency are you in now?
What’s the weirdest undergrad major you’ve seen someone have as a pre-med?
Any other premeds studying engineering here?
What weight is too much for a landchad?
Gavin Newsom's Amendment Won't Solve Gun Violence - Here's What Will
(Discussion) Right now are there any Republicans that exude charisma in a way that Reagan, JFK, or Obama (2008 not 2012) did?
Do ya'll think Gavin Newsom actually has a chance of becoming president?
Hey everyone, I got into a BS/MD but am entering my undergrad in a couple months. Is it still cool if I hang out here to psych my self up for med school by seeing how you guys like it?
Any other Gen z conservatives in here?
Has anyone taken Chem 119 already?
Manifest Acceptances!!!
University of Pennsylvania Regular Decision Megathread