It's sad that tactics like this has to be deployed to instill civic sense.
I wish I could compliment men without worrying they'll make it weird
How does the demand look like for natural coconut oil in urban parts of Kerala/outside Kerala where you guys are residing?
When did you know your partner was the one?
if you were to redo your early 20s, what would you do?
What do morning people do while the rest of us are still sleeping?
What do you always lie about?
Should your partner be allowed to go through your phone?
what got you fired from your job ?
Whats the one thing you will never confess to your parents?
Struggling with English speaking, seeking advice.
Drunkenly kissed my coworker who's twice my age. Don't know what to now.
What’s a subtle sign someone is genuinely a good person?
I think I am just done with my marriage
What actually is the point in seeking advice when most people aren’t that much smarter than you? What do outsiders know that you don’t?
Don't know what to say
What does the richest person you know do for living ?
My marriage is over and I can't watch Arcane anymore
Does anyone know if there is a 6th book of the immortal coven series by Amara Rae?
What have you lost faith in?
Who are some musicians people think died?
What’s the most extreme thing you’ve done to save money?
What’s a belief or superstition you grew up with that you no longer follow?
Whos the most indecent person youve ever met and what did they do?
What is something hurtful that someone said to you that you’ll never forget?