2 Nights in Amsterdam or 1? (First Europe Trip Amsterdam--> Paris--> Rome)
If You Had the Choice, Would You Still Prefer Solo Traveling?
Moving to CT
usj vs ccsu
First time solo travel suggestions
Is 100K salary enough to live in Hamden?
Just curious
Inappropriate books from home
Most of my students do not know what the Holocaust is
Schools Up North-How do you deal with the cold?!
Out of State - Car registration and license
What is your threshold for taking a sick day?
Spring Break Vacation
I’m embarrassed to ask but how do teacher workdays work?
Time to set your alarms again lol
What is something your students or their families would be really surprised to find out about you?
Omg travel??
Why does everybody forget Kerry?
How often do you randomly see students outside of school?
Are American class sizes really that big??
Not Allowed in After Hours
Wild game restaurants?
Single Renter Question
Do you remember your students from many years ago?
When did they change Songbird's hair to be black?