Last card I need to complete album
Lf green garbage
Looking for windfall
1 gold, 1 x 5⭐️
Can anyone gift the last non-gold I need 🙏🏼 leaves me the last 2 golds to complete
If anyone is feeling generous!
Lf New Toys
1:1 for besties
Looking for besties
Looking to do 1:1
Ravager reclaim for Besties please!
1:1 Ravager reclaim for besties
LF Besties for 2x 4⭐️
LF Besties/ Ravager reclaim
Heist Alert for Ravager Reclaim/ Besties?!
HEIST ALERT! For Ravager Reclaim/ Besties
Heist alert for Besties (14)/ Ravager Reclaim (15)
Heist alert for besties/ravager reclaim
The 2 5⭐️ I need take priority to complete sets! Best offers
Wondering if anyone is able to gift these to complete packs - leaves me gold locked
Tell me what you need and if I have it, I will send it
I don’t have a spare 5⭐️ to trade so I’m hoping someone can help me out 🙏🏼