I started designing and building this printer from scratch
Defektes Thermometer
Who are you?
Es wird immer wilder
Anti-Islamisten Weihnachtsblöcke 😍
I was not prepared for that.
Ho ho ho!!! Merry Christmas! It is me, Santa Claus himself! Comment the most remarkable thing you've done this year and I will reply with the present you deserve to have!
an old gf made this meme about me
Beste Erfindung
I know this isn’t going to be everyones cup of tea but…
What is the best dual extruder?
Mathe großer Kopf
Scientists Reveal the Shape of a Single Photon for the First Time
Help! I’m out of control.
Im making a scabbard chape for my clay more and need advice on how to fabricate it
This's one for all
It’s weird that 3D printing isn’t on the list
Wtf happened here?
Stell dir vor du schaffst es diesen Mann zum reden zu bringen.
I found this really strange pattern in the mandlebrot set.
[Request] Another spheres in water problem
Das soll es werden
Memes are getting better