Frigidaire fridge compressor died after only 10 months
How would y’all rank the job positions in a DS from easiest to hardest?
What's did you think of Resist?
It’s ok if your goal isn’t 10,000 steps…
I hear buzz from various sources that the IT industry is collapsing. What's going on?
Canceled Amazon Prime and it feels GREAT
Disability as reason for remote work
Apparently mechanical wristwatches are making a comeback. Do you still use one or have you gone smart?
My blood sugar and cholesterol levels are normal.
Living Alone; How to stay sane?
Oh how I love yellow tag season
Lost Phone in An Uber? - Uber says "Just call him at this number."
First time at a food bank
Fucking FedEx rant
We got our display done
Someone said the lunch meat was no good
Help for dryness?
How do I talk to a human for customer service on the phone?
What’s the weirdest/dumbest meeting your office ever had
Can anyone recommend a country fried steak frozen dinner? I can't seem to find one at the chain grocery stores.
2.5 ton vs 3 ton hvac?
Replacement for LG French door.
Hi there
Beware of dogs