What’s something you dislike about the 2000s?
Shopping for our arfid kiddo
i hate that people are nicer to me when my hair is straight n wavy
At what age did you meet your life partner?
Any other "silent dislikers" of dogs?
retail is actively harming my mental health
Lies we should stop telling young people
Employer canceled interview because they hired someone else. That person flaked now they keep calling me to interview
Do people actually care that you’re single and childless?
Do you hate making out?
I want to see how common online dating is in our generation. Where did you meet your partner/spouse?
What's the one thing you absolutely miss the most about your 2000s childhood that would make you wish you can time travel back to revisit?
We had the worst experience at the hospital.
Reminiscing on the time I was hooking with a guy I liked. On the fourth date I went to his place and he didn’t have hand soap in his bathroom. When I questioned it he told me (completely seriously) “It’s not a big deal. I don’t touch my shit…why do I need soap?!”
90 day fiance UK tell all host was terrible
I’m Not Evil!!!
i’m so angry
im tired
what i ate today
Anyone else have their entire throat “lock up” when they eat something they don’t like?
Anyone else reacting to almost everything they eat?
i stayed at my friend's house this weekend, and on Saturday, this ridiculous car crash happened in the spot he usually parks in the ONE time he didn't. jesus.
My 7 day fast & refeeding syndrome
INFJ Male And Females Different?