This book has shaken me like no other. This may be the most ingenious work I've ever read. It's up there with Aristotle. Please do recommend more.
Bay Staters, what would you consider the state food of Massachusetts? (5/50)
CMV: Letting teachers carry guns in schools will solve absolutely nothing
The Secret of Life
A teacher showing his paper aeroplane
Who else needs this one 🖐🏻
1800+ glorious pages of The Hackett Complete Plato. I’ll be reading this still when my daughter is born in seven weeks.
My wife just started taking creatine…is this normal?
Knife Dance to Blues Traveler
Badass Knife Dance to Blues Traveler
It’s Villain Time Baby. Who’s the best INTJ villain? Top comment wins.
Recent photo of James Taylor and his pugs in Jamestown
Not Enjoying A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
What does my fridge say about me?
Guess where I’m from based on where I’ve been to
Book 1/52 ~ 2025
guy was sure there's no such a thing as electric eels
eat it
Who are these people and what are they doing?
States I would move to
Would you take this ride if you were paid million for it?
Fishing in a thunderstorm.
A novel tier list after eighteen years of reading and re-reading. What would you change?
Not a meme, but their existence is a joke
2025 Goals