MSC NEO when I already have STCW BST and VPDSD
How long is MSCs hiring process from application to getting on a ship?
How long did this PQEB step take for you guys?
Phenibut hcl nausea help
Sarms and the Military
I am a Pheni-fiend what should I try next?
Who looked at your butthole in MEPS?
So this happened today
What are my options for buying an AR-15 if I want to move out of California in the future?
Did anyone ever do this?
Thinking about trying SB or Purerawz from EG, thoughts?
What would you guys say is the highest quality supplier?
Can you die from 50 mcg of clen?
AR Lower Damage - Still Safe to Shoot?
This ammo is really cool.
When are these fucking W-2s getting sent out? I’m trying to get paid
1/4 is getting disbanded ?
Just Ordered a plinker
Can anyone identify the age of this ammo?
Application for credentials
Merry Christmas, shitbirds 😍
Am I being too picky or was this just a bad wrap job?
How much do you guys think the USMC pays for each M27 IAR?