Hmmmmmmm... They look too much alike... sus
[OFFICIAL] Preview images of Ep 15 shows off new Cha hae-in anime only scene
Is there anything you wait or hope anime does better than manhwa? Something you think manhwa lacks, did worse than it should, etc?
Guessing caleb animal representation?
I believe jinwoo character changed too much
Is this it? (Some spoilers up to E14 as reckoned by Crunchyroll)
I'm curious as to why...🤔
Watching Mydei animations made me more mad than when I found he is imaginary
Mydei in Vendetta State via Dim
HSR - 3.1 BETA] Tribbie Animations via Dim
Update on my friend's experience with the show
Anaxa's New Path via Unlce Hellgirl
Mydei Preview
(5* Destruction) Flame of Blood, Blaze My Path via Dim
Ep. 14 was fire, surely nobody will downvo…
Caleb and MC have the same relationship as Eren and Mikasa
Anaxa supposedly different element than previous leaks via BabyMonsterTeam
SEVERE problem with the output of season 2..
Caleb's model
I knew my memory didn't deceive me
Am I the only western player that doesn’t see Caleb as a brother?
Meanwhile on tumblr…..
3.0 Story Spoilers via HomDGCat
Concept Art
This picture made me more emotional than it should