Girl squad: Echoes of Death 4
Girl squad: Echoes of Death 4 from Kingdom Death Monster
Newbie wants to play the first game
Vallejo Color Shifters - do I need to prime before the black gloss layer? Or can I forgo the primer and just layer black gloss and then apply color shifter? Thanks.
Erza of Dedheim from KDM for Xmas
Erza of Dedheim for Xmas
Tips for Smoother Layering?
Another piece from my pro painter friend
My take on the Beetle Knight Pinup (with pants!)
Dung Beetle Knight Pinup Kingdom Death Monster
My 3rd ever mini - looking for suggestions
Act like Red Dead Redemption 2 just got released
Affordable beginner Minis
Hey guys, what's your opinion on Gale? Do you like him?
First minis painted. Why do I feel like I got worse on the 2nd & 3rd?
Advice on fixing after priming?
GF did the base. i did the model.
Turns out there is an end to this stuff
Is this gold? Or garbage?
Beginner: is army painter fanatic starter set good for me or should I get something else?
Back to mini painting after 8 years
Magic: The Gathering Commander groups in Berlin?
Overheard my boyfriend's conversation last night, completely devastated by what was said and not sure what to do from here
My (28F) partners (34M) friend (37?F) told him that she gets “friend vibes” from our relationship
I (29F) found an anonymous chat app on my (27M) husband’s phone and don’t know what to do now.