Anglican Catholic Church
What are your arguments for Eternal Hell?
Blessing "lucky charms"
Kicked Out of Heaven?
Slept with a woman before marriage
Vatican walks back Mass obligation guidance
Christ is not our King. Christ is our comrade.
Who is this woman?
Does anyone know where someone could go about getting a NRSV-CE Bible that says "The Bibble" on the cover
Politics Monday is Turd.
Is onanism a mortal sin?
Catholic Charities coaches Illegal Immigrants on how to resist ICE [Politics Monday]
Assaulted by demon - what should I do?
Papal wedding parchment
[Politics Monday] Did Joe Biden Join the Freemasons?
Clothing during prayer
Trump issues pardons to pro-lifers imprisoned under FACE Act [Politics Monday]
My point exactly
Just curious
Hekima Bible App
USCCB: “Human Dignity is Not Dependent on a Person's Citizenship or Immigration Status”
Vance Suggests Catholic Church Helps Immigrants for its 'Bottom Line'
What’s that freemason-like necklace the man next to the Pope is wearing?
Why would God deny someone like Alex O'Connor private revelation
The EU stop killing games initiative is failing, we at best get 200 a day which is not enough to pass 1 million, we ask that the entire EU gaming population sign immediately, if we can get 100k in February that will be a start.