Patros15 - Near Dark
Čo v živote ste najviac oľutovali
Deep Ambient playlist update, if you wanna discover new or hidden gems from Ambient genre than this playlist can give you some fresh finds. Have a nice start to new week
Drum and Bass playlist with Liquid/Atmospheric/Halfstep DnB for focus and energy
So just learned I'm schizophrenic on top of asperger...
I have no energy to fight with this sad world
I think this playlist is one of the longest for Future Garage, I will be glad if you will follow it, I try update it every week. Thank you <3 Have a nice day.
Patros15 & ish10 yow1r0 - 人の心
How do I deal with mental trauma?
Luhcy - Inner Join (Patros15 & Lumya Remix)
[Homemade] Salmon with miso marinade and rice
Patros15 - Rescue Me
Your favorite Anime/Manga in your opinion?
AUEL & Patros15 - Portals
Patros15 - Nebulous
Bit tech rozoberajú európsku demokraciu, ale existuje riešenie: vypnúť im algoritmy
Nezabúdajte na malých operencov, a doprajte im semiačka alebo lojové guľky, malá vec robí veľké veci pre nich 🤗 Prajem pekný deň
Mark Farrelly - Sanctum
Patros15 & AUEL - Hyperborea
Hammock - Maybe They Will Sing For Us Tomorrow (Nodium Remix)
Ako rýchlo sa z najdôležitejšieho vojenského spojenca môže stať bezpečnostné riziko.
Patros15 - Daily Fights
Petrichor Ocean - Aurora Borealis
Patros15 & AUEL - Traveller