Is true that libra people are addictive?
Calling all venus in sagittarius
Sag (w) & Leo (m)
Sagittarius and Scorpio
pov: u date a leo and this happens
What zodiac signs is Sagittarius mostly obsessed with??
What it's like to date a Leo ♌️?
Which signs are obsessed with us?
Which sign hates us the most?
Advice: Stay away from Scorpios
Leo’s are not soulmates it just seems that way with compatibility
How I get along with November Scorpios and respect them a lot but usually cannot stand October ones?
I honestly don’t want to marry anyone unless he’s he a December sagittarius man or a July Leo… Maybe a libra. And no one seems to understand.
Sagittarius is the air sign of the fire signs.
Obsessive Leos
Aries and aquarius are the signs that truly love sagittarius
Prominent/multiple sag placements, do you have crazy random luck?
Which neighboring signs do you always see together?
Best and worst couples of zodiac in your opnion
You as a Sagittarius are good at reading people?
Who’s the funniest sign?
Scorpio & Sagittarius Chemistry ..
Why do I attract so many stalkers?
The good vibes she emmanates that era
This Reddit community takes away my depression 😂