Bachelor's Regalia Sizing?
can't go more than 24hrs sobriety without violent mood swings - please help.
Pls help me word this; I’ve been told by friends before I’m too intense
I can't be autistic because "I'm pleasant to work with"
I’m such a boring 21 year old.
If my body looks like this (1) . Will i ever be able to look like this by loosing weight (2) (comments)
What kind of bun is this? I did it once by accident and can’t redo it.
A man is facing a woman in a martial arts tournament. Which scenario is THE MOST respectful in your eyes?
Jordan Peterson is leaving Twitter after SI cover backlash.
How to look more mature/attractive and less like a 12 year old girl ?
What can I do to achieve a similar side profile? Soft/hardmaxxing tips appreciated!
what does one wear to an academic conference?
Are the Kardashians/Jenners high or low trust?
Looksmaxing Guide
Seeing beautiful women day to day makes me feel so hopeless. How do you accept being average?
When personality or getting along matters is the only important thing?
A commentary on the plot inconsistencies of Netflix Witcher Season 2
Now this is just ridiculous
Am I wrong to think Lawn mowing at 7:30 AM kinda sucks
Is it okay to go to the Dr. when you’re on your period?
CMV: I don’t think a distinction should be made if women are victims of a crime, it does not make the tragedy any worse.
Women are now elligable to be in the war draft, here are my thoughts
Absolutely love ❤️
Prospective Student Help
I don't see anything wrong do you