Do you believe that if you ever want to get back together (and be healthy) you need to fully get over them?
Do you believe that if you ever want to get back together (and be healthy) you need to fully get over them? F22 m22
At this point am I just broken? What do I do?
Am I just broken at this point
At this point I don’t know what to do. Am I broken?
“It’s hard for me too” bitch you dumped me
“It’s Hard For Me To” bitch you dumped me!!
How do I navigate this
What's something your ex has done/said that still traumatize you?
She’s gone for 9 months.. now what (22f, 23m)
She’s gone for 9 months, but now what..?
What do I do, how do I navigate this
What do I do now
My ex called me during no contact
What if your ex was actually a really good person?
My ex just texted me after two and a half weeks of no contact
I don’t know how I can keep not talking to them
Do you think I am crazy
Do you think I am crazy?
Please read this if you are still hung up on your ex (especially if you are watching videos on how to get your ex back) (I know it’s long but read everything. Seriously)