What was your first tattoo?
Got the cutest slippers for ggn winters 😭
Drop it!
Share your wallpaper
Artist as your Secret Santa!
Op is officially jobless.
Cozy Sunday Stay-In!
Just Adopted a Guinea Pig! Help Me Name Him
It’s almost the end of the year, drop in your wallpapers
Break up hogya guy's
How do you folks in Gurgaon spend your weekend as singles?
Hi.. What are your hobbies?
Ashamed and traumatised
Do better
I just got scammed by a vape seller
How can someone go through break up in this city having no friends
Made fluffiest cheese omelette till date!
Feeling Ugly - Post Breakup
Location of the crown chakra?
mourning the self that should have been
Finally putting the artworks up!
Things that my art can do!
Post your latest artwork!
how can I change and become better at accepting criticism?
Wallpaper reveal !