Why make this tag only last for two weeks? This is one of the best tags we've gotten in the last 4 years.
Hypothetically speaking, what if Ultra cell isn't the new unit announced tomorrow? What are some other possibilities?
"Mission failed, we'll get him next time"
A heads up: Co-op ends tomorrow(a day earlier than normal)so collect your mission rewards today!
Looks like the next banner might drop on Tuesday since Co-op resets on the 28th. That's why the reveals is pushed to Monday.
Am i cooking or not?
These are all possible as our new unit next week, who do you want?
I was having a debate on X whether dokkan's significant higher revenue than legends was due to them being more expensive and got this as a reply...
hear me out what if they release a unit or something special worth all (or a lot of) daima tickets when it finishes airing IM KEEPING THEM NO IM NOT CRAZY
I hope he joins the roster at some point. He's my favorite villain in the franchise.
We (Trunks4L) are looking for active support for our Gold Guild. So if you can definitely manage 3.8 million, enjoy the game and want to achieve something together, then contact me via PM
Ultra Rose plat
No Zenkai this week is a big L
Certain man on here...
Is he the next Android saga buff in two weeks?
They fixed it lol
Compensation Incoming? Incorrect Banner Units in News.
Only a matter of time now 👀
Android 18 & LF Super Saiyan Gohan & Trunks
I Have a Dream...
i think he deserves a unique Equip
New LL announcement today
Who is the most toxic YouTuber in Dragon Ball Legends according to you? And who is the best?
Most Underrated Unit in the Game rn 🤌