What’s the best response to “I love you”?
Why do you girls do this?
Better Call Saul is a better show than Breaking Bad
What is absolutely necessary for your mental health?
What is something popular that does not interest you at all?
(Spoilers Main) funniest moments in the series?
Which are some of the progressive child names around the world right now?
what is the most hated subreddit here ?
Travelling is not relaxing.
What do you hate about parties/clubs?
How old are you & How much do you have in savings?
(Spoilers Main) The Blackfish
(Spoilers Extended) Why Ned warning Cersei wasn't an unreasonable risk on his part.
What's something you believe but can't prove?
ELI5 salt and water absorption in the human body
Salt and water absorption in the human body.
What does a 'pleasant day ' look like to you?
How long can you go without a shower before hating yourself?
How many days can you go without a shower before hating yourself?
Where do you take dopamine from ?
POV: You made all the right choices in life. What are your top five?
How long did it take you all to read The Brothers Karamazov?
Probably the only family in NYC to ever invite a stranger in to watch a movie.
whats your favorite boy name?