Which Species of Oriole is this?
Squeezing through a tight passage in cave
Palmetto bug solutions?
Post Your Beginner Questions Here!
For real, how is everyone cleaning their cast iron skillet?
**GIVEAWAY** & Buy/Sell/Trade Thread
Should I repot my Thai con?
Hoyas in PON
So excited!
Help identify a fly, commercial greenhouse production
What are some of your favorite houseplant youtubers? I love Planterina and -unofficially- Jennamarbles
Where to order Pon in the U.S.?
My partner and I's four Rudstas. TVs are overrated anyway.
Anyone else can relate?
Thai Con Hunt Discussion
This is what $30 gets you in Colombia
Thai constellation
Hoya linearis a unicorn plant now?
Ideas for using 4 dozen eggs for 2 people in less than a week.
Oh my gosh, Kroger has Thai Cons for $30. These are the two that I picked up.
Name this 90s grunge band (Cruise, Pitt, Depp, Reeves)
Do you refer to your plants as masculine or feminine? Do you name them?
Epipremnum aureum lineage
Lemon-Lime bloom