Horrible things I've had to do to afford 3 properties at 29 years old whilst working a mediocre job.
Piece of garbage car, vs reasonable car.
How does one boost their confidence?
What is the fastest way you've ever made a woman angry?
How do you like to spend your free time when you’re not working or handling responsibilities?
What’s the most random piece of advice you found on Reddit that helped a lot?
What was the quickest or craziest way you saw someone get fired?
You figured out you married crazy, but what was the last straw that made you say "Fuck it"?
How do you become a more intelligent person?
If you had a million dollars (or equivalent in your currency) and 5 minutes what would you buy?
What did you think by the age you are now you would have accomplished ?
What is something you'd say to your 18yo self?
Looking back, what's a decision that seemed unimportant at the time, but changed your entire life, for better or worse?
What's your job and what are things you like from your job?
If you could instantly master any skill what would it be?
If you could witness any event in history what would it be?
Does anyone else find working full time really depressing especially as it comes in to winter?