Ancestry v.s. 23andme results
How common is this look among Indians? (Tara Sutaria)
Sunday Fahcking Roast, bosh!
What would make a woman unforgettable for you in a positive way, in a single night?
What is your “girl who got away” story?
Which hairstyle fits me best?
What's your score?
Complete poetry and selected prose of John Milton, eds EH Visiak
How easily can you spot other autistic people?
Which city would you rather choose to live in? Rapture or Columbia?
Western European Spectrum Disorder
“Fun” underwear suggestions?
Do you trust her?
Tricky one. Guess my ethnicity!
Movies for doomers
Found this at a thrift store for $2 only to bring it home and realize it's first edition
Went outside commando today, felt great
Real(I am mfs)
I was attacked by two dogs today
Germans in Europe, both in and out of Germany proper, circa 1937
My results Vs. Ancestry
Place me, bald at the end for skull measurements
Well that's what you get for leaving us, Barry
I feel like this is become less true for us boys and we need to make sure it stays the case
where does your moderator pass?