Why are musicians so Spotify centric?
Which Charli song is yellow?
I don’t have a budget for a music video
Is True already diskinserted in the first track?
Tired of Social Media BS—Which Artists Use It Creatively?
Break up’s sucks.
Which track of yours is Space Octopus spinning and why?
What’s Space Octopus spinning? (Links pls)
Weekly r/MusicPromotion Thread
Ed Sheeran posted this.
The infrastucture of the music industry is not designed to promote music so I made new infrastructure
Guys, how the hell ambient music gets promoted?
Hiroshi yoshimura, Soundscape 1: surround
Caught my sister cheating. Now what?
Weekly Community Thread
What’s the best feeling in the world?
Existe Muié tarada ou isso é balela?
taking suggestions for songs that give brat energy
Is there a song that unconditionally makes you want to cry?
500tão no pix p quem conseguir ver até o final KKKKKKKKKK
what music are you guys obsessed with rn?
Como ser feliz não deve fazer algum como sentem isso,cômoda muito ou não?
O que faz você considerar alguém inteligente?
Me desculpem mas dizer que personalidade é mais importante que aparência é pura mentira
Made this cover of Pretty in Possible. Hope you guys like it!