Why do I sleep way better when I'm on my left side ?
Why have these been so hard lately?
Where in the Community community are you?
Fires, insurance, etc.
Best English translation of the word Loloma
What is the one thing you think Villeneuve version overdelivered ?
To become the best he can be man must kill himself over and over again
Name for a band made up entirely of podiatrists.
Foreshadowing, Easter egg or a genuine mistake?
Need book recs for non-European based worlds
What do people get out of being roasted by strangers on the Internet?
If you could write a book about your father, what would the last sentence be?
ELI5: Why do people ASK to be roasted on places like r/roastme?
If you haven't seen it yet, Derry Girls might be a good show to binge
What are good places to see nature at its finest in Fiji?
On yet another re-watch and I have an observation and a question.
What country are you from and where did you watch the show?
The GMM logo looks so much like that for the al-Jazeera news network
Talent vs Hard Work: Could a normal person beat a talented athlete?
IF we do go past Messiah and DV doesn't direct, who would you like to see doing Children?
If Star Trek is "'Wagon Train' In Space" and Star Wars is "'Hidden Fortress' in space" What are some other Science Fiction comparisons?
Name an obscure fantasy novel and lose a point for every person who says they’ve read it
The majority of sex scenes in most movies and shows are completely unnecessary
Whats your favourite food spot in Suva recently?