Horror Parodies recommendations?
Does It Follows (2014) still hold up for you?
How do you feel about M. Night Shayamalan recent body of work?
What is a horror movie you disliked at first but grew a lot on you or vice-versa?
Am I the only one who gets more excited about Remakes rather than Sequels?
Is there any horror movie you refuse to watch?
Do you agree with the general consensus that the 90's is the worst decade for horror?
Whats the biggest disagreement you have with people when considering a movie to be horror or not?
Asian Horror vs. European Horror
Asian Horror vs. European Horror - Which is Your Favorite?
Do You Care At All About Other Things In Horror That Are Not Movies?
Worst Horror Movie You've Ever Seen?
Modern horror scenes that are definitely in the Horror Hall of Fame?
Thoughts on Giallo?
Am I the only one that hated Psycho 2?
Thoughts on Lake Mungo?
So I just saw Lake Mungo and it's seriously the scariest movie I have ever seen
Favorite and least favorite horror Sub-Genre?
Favorite horror films Pre-60's?
What are 3 independent horror movies you're really sad not more people know about?
Films that affected you
If you were a director, what horror movie would you like to remake?
Top 3 horror directors?
Is Saw 1 NOT your favorite of the series? I'm curious as to why
Prometheus vs Alien Romulus