Thing that bothers me about gypsy curse and writers
Joss Whedon is a misogynist
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Is this true?
We just completed our first-ever watch of the Angel series. Wesley changed a lot from the start of Buffy to the end of Angel, which led our listeners to ask the question: Whose Buffyverse character arc did you like better, Wesley's or Cordy's?
OSW bits you're too scared to ask about
Would you be interested in a(only hands match mode) no fly/no abilities/no sparking?
Tell me why you hate Beast Gohan
To me, he feels like the best character in the game
Finding their stride
For all the talks of boys, is there anyone you lads have as an anti-boy?
I hope that he’ll be part of the game someday, however that path works
Is there a difference between SH Ultimate Gohan and Default Ultimate Gohan?
I don’t like when people refer to it as “Dark Wesley”
New OSW - first ever WWF show in the UK
Anyone else was hoping for teen Goten and Trunks for Super Hero DLC?
This is obviously a nitpick, but I still think it's really weird that they included a no-cape outfit for Base Gohan that you can't even pick from the beginning? You have to detransform to use it.
Here’s why the next arc should be Summer of Punk
Can I introduce you to Gohan, Gohan, Gohan, Gohan?
Beast IS a transformation!! (from Ultimate Gohan only)
What is the DP costs for Super Hero Gohan?
dp battle is cooked how does he only cost 4 dp 😭
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MEGATHREAD: Did you get paid? Timesheet 1/1/25 - 1/15/25
Got the "all is good" email by the app says my funds are still locked down.