Bloodwork shows my liver function is back to “normal” (2.5 years after stopping)
Coming up to a year and I am progressively becoming LL
Vegan green papaya salad. So yummy! From the Vegan Thai Digital Cookbook
First time feeling slight liver pain after drinking
Trip to Thailand
It's easier to say no to none than one.
Experiences of reduction in anxiety and depression after qutting drinking
Insomnia 😫
Stopping drinking alone
The first few days are going rough
Day three
Anyone else still a bit jaundice?
I’m on vacation and I feel left out
20 Days Sober but is my liver damaged?
Responses to shaming
Should I take antidepressants?
20% off Flow headset in Boots UK
I started taking Alpha Lipoic Acid 900mg with my night time dose and my hunger levels returned to normal the next day
Third antidepressant not working — what to expect next from GP
Downsides of Trazodone?
Can someone help me understand my blood test results?
Amazed by first session — seems to good to be true
Emdr for panic while driving - what are your experiences?
How fast does this work?