How can I make sure I’m not leading her on?
Could you be in a relationship with a girl who has strict parents?
why do guys like short girls?
My gf’s mom caught me in her bed. What do I do?
Am I just in my head?
I Need Answers
anyone wanna dm?
How do I make myself more approachable to guys?
How would realizing a girl looks very different without makeup change your opinion of her?
Hey boys, would u want a girl to ask u out or u urself to ask the girl out ?
Guys, do u feel rejected by a girl ur interested in when they call u "bro"? Is it automatic friend zone?
Do you notice?
Realistically, how long does it take for you to get over a girl that you liked first?
Is figure skating weird to you guys?
F18, do your worst lol
What would you remove from teenagers?
Do men want to have a best female friend?
how would u react if a girl at school who u don't even know randomly walked up to u and said "ur really cute" ?
what do you like a girl to call you?
whats the gurl equivalent to getting hit in the balls?
Would you be comfortable sharing a room with a trans guy?
Do u guys actually like the cute act?
Do you think Jesus ever had a boner?
Do you prefer to pee in a stall or urinal?