Which products tasted better in the past than now?
What are some small changes we can make to improve our health and prevent future health issues?
Are fruit teas healthy?
Is it a bad idea to order cheaper green teas during the winter?
Green teas that don't taste nutty, umami, or like a soup?
What jobs can be performed from home office and don't seem like they can be replaced by AI soon?
How do you decide to settle with a partner without fearing that they will become abusive?
Can I drink as much tea as I want without any health consequences?
Can you help me find the name of a green tea that I had? Or recommend a similar one based on my description?
How much of an issue is that siri, google assistant, alexa can listen to you all the time? How does it affect confidentiality in situations like doctors visit, can it be dangerous?
Is this ok to have more than one account as a one person? On the same phone
yall i’m hearing music when there isn’t any am i going insane??
If a person is alone all the time, are they able to be truly happy?
What happens if a client accidentaly admits to the crime to you, when originally they wanted to have their innocence proven?
People who changed their religion to a different one (or went from atheists to believers) - what convinced you to think that your religion is the right one?
Does science say anything about afterlife? Are there any studies that suggest what (if anything) happens? Is there a way to study it scientifically, or do we have no way to know for sure?
Am I a boring person?
Easily embarrassed of others
Just about to turn 60 AMA