What is one thing you would get rid of permanently?
What is one thing people misjudge you for?
If you passed away and then got reincarnated, what is the song you would play as you came back to life?
What is your favorite type of music and why?
What’s a food combination that everyone judges you for but you swear is amazing?
You find a bear in the forest and she looks at you like this. What do you do?
What did he see?
You can have 1 wish, but it can't be supernatural or beyond the scope of human capability. What do you wish for?
You must come up with a nonscientific reason for why stomachs growl. What is it?
How did you realise you have fake friends?
What’s one thing you would change about man kind?
What has worked for you to unconsciously keep your back straight?
Ladies: what are your go-to video games?
What book series would you say deserves a movie/TV adaptation the most?
What song do you want playing in the background as you take your final breaths, if you had a choice?
What is the best response to "I hate you"?
What's something that's completely normal in movies but would be weird in real life?
What's your favorite clean insult?
Would you press it?