What are you favorite Lord of the Rings lines to use in real life
What if Soulja Boy was starred in Tokyo Drift instead of Bow Wow?
Which one of these force users said this line: “Keep on with the force, don’t stop. Don’t stop til you get enough.”
If you were born in Star Wars? What would you be?
Vin Serento’s family are not half bad.
The mountains surrounding where I live (Wasilla, Alaska) always give me LOTR vibes ❤️
Sat in the passenger seat of my Tesla and discovered this weird mark on the windshield
My mail opener versus the real thing.
The City of Angels
Here are some LOTR wallpapers I made!
One for work and one for home
My M4 Mac mini Setup as an Indian...
This is my **5 year** work anniversary gift from my Fortune 500 employer. 100% Not joking.
Looking at my woman like. “You have to go. Sorry.” What game you playing in February?
What Movie Did You Watch that Traumatized You at a Young Age?
A character from my brother's manga doesn't have a name yet. Leave us comments with name suggestions.
What would Trump have to do to go to prison?
My hype every time I find the Costco Croissants
What cheat code for a game is burned into your brain?
A pregnant anaconda is run over and ejects her offspring on a highway in Brazil
Tuna no crust
Aftermath of my pc after a fire
Which other 3 Jedi alongside Windu could make arresting Palpatine easier?
Jenova FFVll tattoo