What's with the lyrics?
How many ways can I die RIGHT NOW
Type "EMERGENCY FROG SITUATION" while your eye are closed.
Dude. *So* uncool.
OWE do you know who the father of my baby is? OWE
I got hit in the face with a colorguard flag.
How will you celebrate when we reach 800k spirits?
I’m making a new IG account that focuses solely on pictures of ________________ OWE
I'm bored. Shall I order a ______ online and play with it? OWE
What's was your biggest "disaster" that happened during a show?
Most egregious mispronounciation of your show/composer/song name?
Why can't airline pilots have beards? OWE
Have you found your prostate yet? If not, let me _______________! OWE
Bet you can sing the entire lyrics of Raining Tacos! OWE
The witness took a deep breath and described what they saw: OWE
What is your band chant before you hit the field?
How big is your band?
What is 5th position
rate our uniforms this year
Tennessean Marchers
Tell me the music selections in your show and I’ll try guessing the theme
How common is it for HS Marching Bands to not have the entire show ready by the first Competetion?
why does everyone hate trumpets?
Why do football players make fun of band kids?