F21 I was dared to post this. Do your worst!
What Dylan song makes you tear up the most?
Hurricane Tapes
What’s the first Dylan song you played in 2025?
What lyrics from Blood on the Tracks era resonate the most with you?
Keep cutting or bulk?
Any tips?
What's your favourite Bob Dylan's love song ?
What Dylan lyric is the most profound/personal to you?
What is your favorite Dylan song to sing along with?
Has anybody here ever met Bob? What's he like?
When you're in the mood to listen to Bob Dylan, which album do you most likely reach for? (not necessarily his "best")
Let's do this for Bob Songs! Name a Bob song with emojis only! 💳🧾🩸
Name a beatles song using only emojis! Here is my submission. 👋 🐂 🐕
Planet Waves
What would instantly destroy your life just by doing it once?
25M should I switch up my hairstyle? To what?
What are you embarrassed to admit you like?
Scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
Songs for knowing you might die
What sitcoms have the perfect cast (No weak link)
A Band Name made up of females who are all pregnant.
Bob Dylan in his totality, in 10 tracks