Teeme Eestist Signal messengeri kasutava riigi ?!
Reservväelasele kogunemise ajal palga maksmine võib saada kohustuseks
Weld stik / SteelStik eestis? Kas eestis leidub seda? Mis on eestikeelne vaste?
It was TOO obvious 🫠
En ymmärrä
Russians are modernizing vintage GAZ-69 cars to send them to the front
Well the wife says I have to sell my 67 coupe…
Kas olete enesetapule mõelnud?
Automaksu arved on MTA iseteeninduskeskkonda saabunud
It’s 1970 and you’re headed to the dealership- what are you going home with?
Will I make it to Finland in the height of winter in my vw golf?
Kiire parandus kraapivale kurgule?
Movie and TV show cars.
Almost spent my whole paycheck today 😂
(Translated version) Video of a brutal close knife fight between a Ukraine and a Russia soldier.
Kepsut, pasgetid ja muid staarsõnu
Iittala tooted ja nende kleepsud
Head uut maoaastat, redditi rahvas!
BJ: Kui tihti?
Awful find in the back of the fridge. Plain whipped cream cheese
russian invaders "upgrading" their BTR before an assault
Jõlgi kuupõeva tootel
Esmapilgul mõtlesin, et Ekspressi Kranaadi rubriik on mulle kuidagi feedi lekkinud, aga kahjuks nii see polnud
Sai tazod ritta pandud
Installed a Vinyl Floor in a Freightliner Cascadia