Anyone else?
What is something (optional) that actually has a big affect on the outcome?
What is a prominent antiquated system?
Bravo Temecula Valley!
Man gets assaulted by two men, later gets saved by his friend.
If you were super liked by a very unattractive person, would your feelings be overall positive or negative?
$340k salary last year as a jewelry business owner, AMA
What expensive hobby will you pick up, after your win?
Teacher fights student for repeatedly calling him the 'n-word' in the school hallway
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Happily married people, how did you first meet and how did you first ask them out or get asked out?
Fantasy Football
People who were hit as kid for punishment, was it ultimately good or bad, or ehat would you have done differently?
What is the most dreaded customer at your job?
$45 at an estate sale
What is the most embarrassing time that someone heard you fart?
What is the meanest thing a date has ever said to you?
Have you ever had a table be like “don’t worry, I’m a server too” or “I work at a restaurant too” but they were still the worst to you?
Which position’s contract value do you think will change the most in five years?
Whats a time Google was wrong?
Why are so many Instagram pages now showing NSFW ads for cam girls?
If you could have any exotic pet which would you have?
What is the biggest "What if moment for your team"
Redditors who grew up poor, what was the biggest indignity you suffered?
A band of Red lobster workers that are now unemployed that formed a band to make money
What is a smell that you can identify 100% of the time?