Lime tree vs lemon
Tell me your shelties name, but then tell me the nicknames you call them😅
Yellow leaves on lemon tree
Transferring tickets
Emails in French
Same age, different size
Sheltie size
Show me the most recent picture(s) of your sheltie
Happy 1st birthday to my runt of the litter 9 pound sheltie (with her big brother for size comparison)
I don't know how to add a pic to a prior post so here is my two 12 month and 7 month old shelties, one is the runt of the litter.
Runt of the litter?
Buddie and Kittie (my 8 pound sheltie)
Gift for Georgetown undergrad
Thought of winter term is stressing me
Language Placement Test
deferred from georgetown, feeling weird
Georgetown Early Megathread
Anyone awaiting a Georgetown EA response?