Heroin, lyrica carspiraldol, codeine, tapentadol valium and vyvanse!
Why do they even make 2mg diaz tabs? Are these for rodents or something?
Love my bromaz 4mg presses <3
Taps and lyrica
Fav combo of benzos? Mine are klonopin and Valium.
Why is ox so hard to quit
How does the potency of meth compare to dex?
Need help... Should I go to ER if I cant get more?
Can anyone tell me if these look like real or fake diazepam?
y21 real or press?
What was your experience like mixing methamphetamine and w
Other medicine than benzo that helped your anxiety?
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Still waiting...
When the liquor is too weak
Do you take benzos to survive work even when working remote?
What goes up must come down
How was your descent into opioid addiction like for you?
Buzzing on stems right now and just wondering what's addictive to you all, and what class of drugs do not interest you much
I got my Mogadon script, but at what cost?
are these xanax fake?
Methylphenidate, how to get high?
Your favourite substance right now?
What is weed like compared to tobacco / nicotine? Are they similar in any way?